military reforms in Russia

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PHJ No 1 (37) 2023 – S.Andriainen. “The Vicissitudes of a tedious war”: the participation of the Russian Imperial Guard in the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1830–1831

The article examines the combat work of the units of the Russian Imperial Guard during the Russo-Polish War of 1830–1831. The author considers it necessary to investigate the activities of the entire Guards Corps as a whole, and not only the combat successes of individual guard regiments. The author comes to the conclusion that the Polish War played a significant role in the development of the Russian Guard. After the end of the war, the entire guard was concentrated in St. Petersburg and its suburbs. The war with the Poles caused a patriotic upsurge among the officers of the Guard. This war helped Emperor Nicholas I to improve his relations with the units of the Guard.