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PHJ No 4 (36) 2022 – Yu.L. Kosenkova Transformations of the hypothetical model of human in urban planning of the Soviet period

Recent decades of historical studies devoted to the everyday practices of a Soviet individual have revealed a depressing picture of a chronic discrepancy between the interests, needs and sometimes the most pressing demands of people and the nature of surrounding city environment. In the article, this situation is considered as if from the opposite side — what were the positions of the professional community of Soviet architects and urban planners who created said environment.

PHJ No 4 (36) 2022 – A.A.Yefimov. Differential approach of the Ministry of the Imperial Court to rewarding for creation of the Oreanda residence

One of the most important areas of activity for the Ministry of the Imperial Court was the creation of residence complexes for members of the Romanov dynasty. At the same time, the estates of the southern coast of Crimea rightfully occupy the second place after the capital’s palaces. However, in historiography, the problems of organizing, administering, and financing works have not been sufficiently studied, with the predominance of works of art criticism and cultural studies. The issue of determining, assigning and issuing awards and incentives to persons involved in the creation of residences is also included in this circle.