partisan detachments

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PHJ No 4 (36) 2022 – V.Berednikova. Materials of the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documents of St. Petersburg as a source for the study of the partisan movement on the territory of the Leningrad Region

In article the information possibilities of the documents postponed in funds of the Central State Archive of the Historical and Political Documents of St. Petersburg which reflect the history of creation and work of the Leningrad headquarters of the partisan movement on the organization of partisan formations and control of their activity in days of the Great Patriotic War is analyzed. The analysis of archive materials will allow to estimate in a new way a role of the partisan movement in the battle of Leningrad and also degree of its efficiency, the reason of failures and disorganization at the initial stages of existence of the partisan movement and success achieved in 1943–1944.

PHJ No 3 (35) 2022 – V. V. Zdanovich. The history of everyday life in the Nazi-occupied territory of Belarus in the works of Belarusian historians

The article analyzes the works of Belarusian historians devoted to the life history of urban and rural residents of Belarus during the Nazi occupation in 1941–1944. The analysis carried out shows that in the Soviet period, according to the party guidelines, the life of different categories of the population in the occupied territory was considered in Soviet historical literature as a daily battle with the enemy. A characteristic feature of the Belarusian period was the development of new directions in the study of the problem, detailed coverage of various aspects of the occupation regime, the consideration of which in Soviet historiography was determined by brevity.