World War II

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PHJ No 1 (37) 2023 – А.I.Bogomolov. Another forgotten genocide. Review of the book: Soviet Prisoners of War in the Second World War on Polish Soil: Collected Articles. Edited by J. Wojtkowiak

The history of Soviet prisoners of War in World War II remains poorly studied, but certain aspects of this history do not coincide with the next general line of historical policy every time and are doomed to oblivion. The research of modern Polish historians collected in the reviewed book and are intended to familiarize readers with this complex problem.

PHJ No 1 (37) 2023 – Min Kyoung-Hyoun. Korean-Soviet relations after liberation: through the prism of Soviet-Japanese war and the rise of North Korea

The Soviet-Japanese war was of decisive importance for the people of Korea and divided it into two parts. Irresolvable contradictions between the Allies in the anti-Hitler coalition will soon lead to the creation of two independent states — the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. Features and conditions of the war and post-war period, which led to the split of a single people into two parts, are analyzed in the article. The study is based on an analysis of published and unpublished sources, including materials from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

PHJ No 4 (36) 2022 – V.L. Piankevich. Review of the collection of documents: Blockade in the decisions of the leading party bodies of Leningrad. 1941–1944. Parts I–III. STPb. 2019–2022

The collection of documents is a continuation of the work on the publication of official documents on the World War II and the blockade. Together with published documents of personal origin, the new edition significantly expands the source base for research on the history of the defense and Leningrad blockade. This is a unique, first, complete, specific publication of the most important documents of the highest regional authorities and administration, almost all of which (98%) were previously kept in secret. The published documents make it possible to study the most important issues of military production, the supply and distribution of food, the management of Leningrad and the Leningrad Region, the economy and urban economy, etc.

PHJ No 4 (36) 2022 – V.Berednikova. Materials of the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documents of St. Petersburg as a source for the study of the partisan movement on the territory of the Leningrad Region

In article the information possibilities of the documents postponed in funds of the Central State Archive of the Historical and Political Documents of St. Petersburg which reflect the history of creation and work of the Leningrad headquarters of the partisan movement on the organization of partisan formations and control of their activity in days of the Great Patriotic War is analyzed. The analysis of archive materials will allow to estimate in a new way a role of the partisan movement in the battle of Leningrad and also degree of its efficiency, the reason of failures and disorganization at the initial stages of existence of the partisan movement and success achieved in 1943–1944.