labour mobilisations

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PHJ No 4 (36) 2022 – A.Yu.Stefanenko. Logging during the siege of Leningrad

The article dwells on the issues of labour organisation at forest camps during the siege of Leningrad. The extensive nature of timber harvesting has prevailed before the blockade and continued to persist during the siege. During the blockade, the city administration rejected to use only repressive methods and increased measures to motive workers by the food supply. Despite this, logging continued to be a problem due to the growing demand for wood for Leningrad industry.

PHJ No 3 (35) 2022 – V. V. Mirkin. Mobilization forms of labor organization in telecommunications (1940s–1980s, on the example of Siberia)

On the basis of publications of communications periodicals (Vestnik Svyazi, Elektrosvyaz magazines), regional periodics, departmental publications, as well as archival materials, on the example of the Siberian departments, the personnel policy of the Soviet telecommunications industry in the post-war period is considered, the use of various mobilization forms and methods of labor organization. A brief review of such practices is provided.