История России
• И. Б. Вишня
Миниатюры Жития Николы и Лицевого летописного свода: четыре иконографические манеры …………….7
I. B. Vishnya Miniatures of the Life of Nichola and the Facial Chronicle Vault: four iconographic manners
• З. А. Исмаилова
Посмертная летописная похвала правителю как исторический источник …………………….18
Z. A. Ismailova
Posthumous chronicle praise of the ruler as a historical source
A. I. Prokofiev
Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the Pereyaslav Rada in 1954: Discourses of historical memory about the beginning of the Thirteen Years War 1654–1667
S. A. Nikonov
The ability to survive: methods of adaptation and mortality of Russian hunters in Svalbard and Novaya Zemlya in the second half of the 18th — early 19th century
• Д. А. Баринов
Студенческие землячества императорского и советского университета …………………70
D. A. Barinov
Student fraternities of the Imperial and Soviet university
M. D. Novikov
Rationalization proposals of citizens on soviet mass bonds 1946–1957 and projects of “Peace Lotteries” as an attempt of societal influence on the state financial policy
• А. Н. Чистиков
Ленинградский обком КПСС в 1960–1980-х гг.: выборы и результаты …………………94
A. N. Chistikov
The Leningrad regional committee of the CPSU in the 1960s and 1980s: elections and results
Всеобщая история
N. A. Vlasov
“Russia is the only power which could disturb the peace”: “Russian threat” in Otto von Bismarck’s thought during the 1880s
Доклады на международной научной конференции «Александр Невский в исторической памяти России». Санкт-Петербург, 6 декабря 2020 г.
Ju. Moshnik
“The Heroic Tale of the Russian Engelbrekt”. Film image of Alexander Nevsky in the pre-war Finnish press
• В. Г. Вовина-Лебедева
Крестьяне села Усть-Ижора и их храм …………………118
V. G. Vovina-Lebedeva
Peasants of Ust’-Izhora and their church
• К. Косьцельняк
Александр Невский в польской историографии XIX–XXI веков …………………..135
K. Kościelniak
Alexander Nevsky in Polish historiography of the 19th–21st centuries
I. A. Karpenko
A new image of an old hero. Preparing for the filming of movie “Alexander Nevsky” in 1952–1953 in Leningrad
E. F. Sinelnikova
Speech of the Russian Nature Amateurs Society secretary on the simplification of scientific societies reporting forms, 1926
• М. М. Сафонов
«Агентка Геккерна» (А. А. Ахматова и Н. Н. Пушкина) ……………….167
M. M. Safonov
“Agent of Hekkern” (A. A. Akhmatovа and N. N. Pushkinа)
A. I. Rupasov
The North-Western Regional Economic Meeting: problems of prospective planning of regional economic development (second half of the 1920s)
B. N. Kovalev
The human factor in the Soviet state security: the battle of Leningrad, 1941–1944
Е. Skvortsova
Liberator of Auschwitz General F. M. Krasavin: Order of Alexander Nevsky during life, rehabilitation — posthumously
P. A. Avakov
A new study about the Russian-Turkish War of 1710–1713 (Review of the monograph: Artamonov V. A. The Turkish-Russian War of 1710–1713. Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, 2019. 448 p.)
P.V. Krylov “Get behind someone else’s game”. Book review: Travin D. Ya. Why has Russia lagged behind? St. Petersburg: European University in St. Petersburg, 2021
Требования к публикации статей и материалов ………………………. 228